Part 3: Kosen-rufu and World Peace
Chapter 30: The Future Division—The Treasure of the Soka Gakkai [30.4]

30.4 Be Good Friends to the Future Division Members

President Ikeda has frequently offered encouragement and advice for those supporting the development and growth of the Future Division members. In this selection, he urges them to always be friends to the Future Division members.

Fostering others contributes to our own growth. Teaching others makes us wiser. Learning together with our Future Division members, developing and advancing together with them, is a path of lifelong youthfulness, giving us fresh zest and vitality.


The 21st Century Mission Group—comprising Future Division leaders from the youth division in Japan—was established on July 17, 1995. At that time, I asked these leaders to be friends to the Future Division members.

Buddhism describes a person who exerts a positive influence on another as a “good friend.” Nichiren Daishonin states: “The best way to attain Buddhahood is to encounter a good friend” (WND-1, 598).

By doing activities together with the Future Division members as supportive older brothers and sisters with whom they can talk about anything, the division’s leaders are fulfilling their mission as good friends.

I’m sure these youth leaders all have their own problems and challenges, be it at work or in their daily lives, and are striving to do their best in the face of untold hardships. But the Future Division members are watching their earnest efforts closely. They will deeply take to heart the sincere words of such leaders.

I often receive letters from members telling me how grateful they are for the past support and encouragement of a senior in faith, saying that it played a formative role in their life.

It doesn’t matter whether our efforts are met with applause or praise from others. Unseen virtue in the form of dedicating ourselves for others’ happiness adorns our lives with visible reward and brings immeasurable good fortune and benefit to our families for generations to come.

From an essay series “Our Brilliant Path to Victory,” published in Japanese in the Seikyo Shimbun, August 9, 2011.

The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace brings together selections from President Ikeda’s works on key themes.