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Affiliated Organizations

The Soka Gakkai has a number of affiliated secular organizations that work to promote peace, culture and education. The activities of these affiliates are open to all.

Institute of Oriental Philosophy

The Institute of Oriental Philosophy is dedicated to advancing scholarly inquiry into Buddhism and other world religions in order to clarify the universal value of religion and thereby help address the issues facing humanity today.

Ikeda Center for Peace, Learning, and Dialogue

The Ikeda Center for Peace, Learning, and Dialogue is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Its mission is to build cultures of peace through learning and dialogue inspired by Buddhist humanism. Center programs include the development of multi-author books; an annual Ikeda Forum for Intercultural Dialogue; scholarly seminars on topics in global ethics; and a “Dialogue Nights” series for college students and young professionals.

Toda Peace Institute

The Toda Peace Institute is an independent, nonpartisan institute committed to promoting a nonviolent, sustainable and peaceful world through policy-oriented peace research and practice. It commissions research, convenes problem-solving workshops and seminars and promotes dialogue across ethnic, religious and political divides.

Soka Education System

Building on the child-centered educational philosophy of Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, the first president of the Soka Gakkai, the Soka education system (kindergarten through university) was founded by Daisaku Ikeda in order to foster global citizens who will contribute to society and help strengthen the foundations of peace. Institutions include Soka schools, Soka University and Soka University of America.

Min-On Concert Association

The Min-On (“People’s Music”) Concert Association in Tokyo was founded with the aim of deepening mutual understanding and friendship among countries by promoting the global exchange of musical culture. Min-On also sponsors various musical programs and free concerts in schools throughout Japan.

Tokyo Fuji Art Museum

The Tokyo Fuji Art Museum was established to promote peace and mutual understanding through cultural and artistic exchange as well as making art more widely accessible to the public. The museum houses over 30,000 artworks—paintings, woodblock prints, sculptures, cultural artifacts and photographs—from East to West and from ancient to modern.

Soka Amazon Institute

Soka Amazon Institute is situated in Brazil near Manaus and the Meeting of Waters that marks the beginning of the lower Amazon River. It carries out research into the conservation of the global ecosystem, preserves tree seeds and undertakes reforestation initiatives. In cooperation with the Manaus Department of Education, Brazil’s National Institute of Amazonian Research and other partners, the Institute also runs environmental education programs.

In Society